History.com: This Day In History ( June 28-2007): Bald Eagle removed from list of threatened species

By History.com Editors. On June 28, 2007, the United States removes one of its most commonly-used national symbols from its List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife. The de-listing of the bald eagle, which had been close to vanishing from North America around the middle of the 20th century, was one of the most notable wildlifeContinue reading “History.com: This Day In History ( June 28-2007): Bald Eagle removed from list of threatened species”

Live Science: Easter Island (Rapa Nui) and its famous Moai statues

By Owen Jarus. The island of Rapa Nui, the most isolated inhabited landmass on Earth, is known for its massive Moai statues. Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island (a name given to it by Europeans), is located in the southeast Pacific and is famous for its approximately 1,000 carvings of moai, human-faced statues. TheContinue reading “Live Science: Easter Island (Rapa Nui) and its famous Moai statues”

History.com: This Day In History (June 24-1717): 1st Masonic Grand Lodge formed in London

By History.com Editors. On June 24, 1717, members of four local Masonic lodges—all part of a secret society of Masons—meet at the Goose and Gridiron alehouse in London’s St. Paul’s Churchyard to create the first Grand Lodge as their collective governing body. Known initially as the Grand Lodge of London and Westminster, it will evolveContinue reading “History.com: This Day In History (June 24-1717): 1st Masonic Grand Lodge formed in London”

History Today: Babylon’s Mystery Goddess

By Patricia Fara. The Queen of the Night, rendered in clay in ancient Babylon, was evidently an important goddess who enjoyed considerable status – but who is she? The Queen of the Night is today best known for her leading role in The Magic Flute, but for Babylonian historians the star of the show isContinue reading “History Today: Babylon’s Mystery Goddess”

The Jordan Times: Wishful thinking’ — Does Israel have all the cards in Gaza?

By Ramzy Baroud. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is often criticised for failing to produce a vision for the “next day”, meaning the day following the end of the Gaza war. Some of these criticisms emanate from Israel’s traditional western allies, who are wary of Netanyahu’s personal and political agendas, which are fixated on delayingContinue reading “The Jordan Times: Wishful thinking’ — Does Israel have all the cards in Gaza?”

History.com: This Day In History (June 20-1947): Bugsy Siegel, organized crime leader, is killed

By History.com Editors. Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, the man who brought organized crime to the West Coast, is shot and killed at his mistress Virginia Hill’s home in Beverly Hills, California. Siegel had been talking to his associate Allen Smiley when three bullets were fired through the window and into his head, killing him instantly. Siegel’sContinue reading “History.com: This Day In History (June 20-1947): Bugsy Siegel, organized crime leader, is killed”

Rai al-Youm: US ‘mediation’: arms for Israel, threats for Lebanon

By Abdel Bari Atwan. The Hezbollah-led resistance does not want war but is not afraid of it. The dispatch of US presidential envoy Amos Hochstein to occupy Jerusalem and Beirut this week means the prospect of an expanded war on the Lebanese front is growing and coming close to detonation. This emissary, who served inContinue reading “Rai al-Youm: US ‘mediation’: arms for Israel, threats for Lebanon”

History.com: This Day In History (June 12-1898): Philippine independence declared

By History.com Editors. During the Spanish-American War, Filipino rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo proclaim the independence of the Philippines after 300 years of Spanish rule. By mid-August, Filipino rebels and U.S. troops had ousted the Spanish, but Aguinaldo’s hopes for independence were dashed when the United States formally annexed the Philippines as part of itsContinue reading “History.com: This Day In History (June 12-1898): Philippine independence declared”

Middle East Monitor: Attacking Lebanon is a disaster for the existence of ‘Israel’

By Sayid Marcos Tenório. The Zionist propaganda machine does not stop creating slogans to try to deceive the world about the supposed military and moral power of its armed forces. They have already invented that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) are the “most moral in the world”, “the best-trained army in the world” and “anContinue reading “Middle East Monitor: Attacking Lebanon is a disaster for the existence of ‘Israel’”

Antiwar: Beyond Two State Solution – Why Recognizing State of Palestine Is Important

By Ramzy Baroud. In politics, context is crucial. To truly appreciate the recent decision by Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognize the state of Palestine, the subject has to be placed in proper context. On November 15, 1988, Yasser Arafat, then Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, declared Palestine as an independent state. The proclamationContinue reading “Antiwar: Beyond Two State Solution – Why Recognizing State of Palestine Is Important”

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