BBC: Syria earthquake: Aleppo hospitals overwhelmed by victims

By Assaf Abboud in Aleppo, Syria & Kate Forbes in London. Hospitals in Aleppo do not have enough room for new patients in the wake of last week’s devastating earthquake, a doctor in the Syrian city has told the BBC. At the Al-Razi Hospital there are too many beds to fit into the wards. TheyContinue reading “BBC: Syria earthquake: Aleppo hospitals overwhelmed by victims”

The Drive: Saladin Was A Land-Sea Warfare Innovator Of The Middle Ages

By Benjamin Duval. Historian Benjamin Duval explores how the siege of Beirut shaped Saladin’s military strategy in the 12th-century. Joint land-sea operations were fairly uncommon in the Middle Ages. Rarer still was it for medieval generals to coordinate such actions across hundreds of miles and several months in advance. Almost unheard of was it toContinue reading “The Drive: Saladin Was A Land-Sea Warfare Innovator Of The Middle Ages”

The Washington Times: Syria’s Assad tours once rebel-held Aleppo city, power plant

By AP. President Bashar Assad made a rare visit to the northern province of Aleppo on Friday to tour the country’s largest city and inaugurate a power station that was once held by insurgents and suffered wide damages during the war, state media reported. The visit by Assad and his family to the city ofContinue reading “The Washington Times: Syria’s Assad tours once rebel-held Aleppo city, power plant”

Al-Monitor: Expensive private schools become many Syrian students’ only option

By Khaled al-Khateb. Private schools in the opposition-controlled areas in the countryside of Aleppo in northwestern Syria are gaining popularity due to shortages in the public education system. In the repeated waves of displacement and overcrowding in cities such as Al-Bab, Azaz and Afrin, schools are struggling to accommodate the increasing numbers of students. The shortage of public schools isContinue reading “Al-Monitor: Expensive private schools become many Syrian students’ only option”

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