GBN: Archaeology breakthrough as sarcophagus of Egypt’s greatest pharaoh finally discovered

By George Bunn. Ramesses II, also known as Ramses the Great, was one of the most powerful figures in ancient Egypt The sarcophagus of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs has finally been found, three millennia after his death. Egyptologists were left baffled by the mystery of the whereabouts of the sarcophagus of Ramesses II, alsoContinue reading “GBN: Archaeology breakthrough as sarcophagus of Egypt’s greatest pharaoh finally discovered”

Heritage Daily: Archaeologists find ancient papyri with correspondence made by Roman centurions

By Mark Milligan. Archaeologists from the University of Wrocław have uncovered ancient papyri that contains the correspondence of Roman centurions who were stationed in Egypt. The papyri were discovered in Berenice Troglodytica, an ancient seaport of Egypt on the western shore of the Red Sea. The city was founded by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285–246 BC),Continue reading “Heritage Daily: Archaeologists find ancient papyri with correspondence made by Roman centurions”

Live Science: Mysterious L-shaped structure found near Egyptian pyramids of Giza baffles scientists

By Owen Jarus. An enigmatic L-shaped structure found underground near the pyramids at Giza may be an entrance to a mysterious deeper feature below it. Using remote sensing techniques, archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a mysterious L-shaped structure underground in the western cemetery of Giza.  The western cemetery contains burials of royal family members ofContinue reading “Live Science: Mysterious L-shaped structure found near Egyptian pyramids of Giza baffles scientists”

Curiosmos: The Mysteries of Egypt’s Serapeum and the Gigantic Sarcophagi

By Ivan Petricevic. In 1850, French Egyptologist Auguste Mariette embarked on a quest to recover ancient manuscripts for the Louvre Museum in Paris, leading to the discovery of one of the Serapeum mysteries. In the sweltering heat of 1850, renowned French Egyptologist Auguste Mariette embarked on a monumental expedition, driven by a desire to enrichContinue reading “Curiosmos: The Mysteries of Egypt’s Serapeum and the Gigantic Sarcophagi” This Day In History (July 19-1799): Rosetta Stone found

By Editors. Although there is some debate about the exact date, on what was likely July 19, 1799, during Napoleon Bonaparte’s Egyptian campaign, a French soldier discovers a black basalt slab inscribed with ancient writing near the town of Rosetta, about 35 miles east of Alexandria. The irregularly shaped stone contained fragments of passagesContinue reading “ This Day In History (July 19-1799): Rosetta Stone found” This Day In History (April 7-1961): JFK lobbies Congress to help save historic sites in Egypt

By Editors. On April 7, 1961, President John F. Kennedy sends a letter to Congress in which he recommends the U.S. participate in an international campaign to preserve ancient temples and historic monuments in the Nile Valley of Egypt. The campaign, initiated by UNESCO, was designed to save sites threatened by the construction ofContinue reading “ This Day In History (April 7-1961): JFK lobbies Congress to help save historic sites in Egypt” This Day In History (February 16-1923): Archaeologist opens tomb of King Tut

By Editors. On February 16, 1923, in Thebes, Egypt, English archaeologist Howard Carter enters the sealed burial chamber of the ancient Egyptian ruler King Tutankhamen. Because the ancient Egyptians saw their pharaohs as gods, they carefully preserved their bodies after death, burying them in elaborate tombs containing rich treasures to accompany the rulers intoContinue reading “ This Day In History (February 16-1923): Archaeologist opens tomb of King Tut” This Day In History (January 12-1984): Pyramid mystery unearthed

By Editors. An international panel overseeing the restoration of the Great Pyramids in Egypt overcomes years of frustration when it abandons modern construction techniques in favor of the method employed by the ancient Egyptians. Located at Giza outside Cairo, some of the oldest manmade structures on earth were showing severe signs of decay byContinue reading “ This Day In History (January 12-1984): Pyramid mystery unearthed”

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