History Today: Return of the Ayatollah: Iran’s Islamic Revolution

By Siavush Randjbar-Daemi – Published in History Today Volume 69 Issue 4 April 2019. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini became a lightning rod for the mass protests which overthrew the Shah of Iran in 1979, but the causes of the Iranian Revolution lay elsewhere. On the afternoon of 11 February 1979, the top brass of the ImperialContinue reading “History Today: Return of the Ayatollah: Iran’s Islamic Revolution”

History.com: This Day In History (November 15-1977): President Carter hosts shah of Iran

By History.com Editors. On November 15, 1977, President Jimmy Carter welcomes Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the shah of Iran, and his wife, Empress (or “Shahbanou”) Farrah, to Washington. Over the next two days, Carter and Pahlavi discussed improving relations between the two countries. Two years later, the two leaders’ political fates would be further entwined whenContinue reading “History.com: This Day In History (November 15-1977): President Carter hosts shah of Iran”

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