History.com: This Day In History (May 16-1985): Discovery of Ozone Hole announced

By History.com Editors. In the scientific journal Nature on May 16, 1985, three scientists from the British Antarctic Survey announce their detection of abnormally low levels of ozone over the South Pole. Their discovery, commonly known as the Ozone Hole, became a palpable example of mankind’s ability to damage the Earth’s atmosphere as well asContinue reading “History.com: This Day In History (May 16-1985): Discovery of Ozone Hole announced”

Live Science: Mysterious L-shaped structure found near Egyptian pyramids of Giza baffles scientists

By Owen Jarus. An enigmatic L-shaped structure found underground near the pyramids at Giza may be an entrance to a mysterious deeper feature below it. Using remote sensing techniques, archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a mysterious L-shaped structure underground in the western cemetery of Giza.  The western cemetery contains burials of royal family members ofContinue reading “Live Science: Mysterious L-shaped structure found near Egyptian pyramids of Giza baffles scientists”

ScienceAlert: Scientists Confirm Exercise Slows Down The Perception of Time

By Carly Cassella. The gym can be a discouraging place. Puffed and exhausted, it’s never wise to sneak a peek at the clock. A 10-minute session on the bike might sound like an achievable goal before the timer starts, but when your body gets going, those seconds are about to feel longer than normal, accordingContinue reading “ScienceAlert: Scientists Confirm Exercise Slows Down The Perception of Time”

The Conversation: AI may be to blame for our failure to make contact with alien civilisations

By Michael Garrett. Artificial intelligence (AI) has progressed at an astounding pace over the last few years. Some scientists are now looking towards the development of artificial superintelligence (ASI) — a form of AI that would not only surpass human intelligence but would not be bound by the learning speeds of humans. But what ifContinue reading “The Conversation: AI may be to blame for our failure to make contact with alien civilisations”

Pharmacy Times: The Biomedical Footprint of the Iraq War, Resulting Medical Innovation

By Luis Alvarez. In Iraq, asymmetrical warfare tactics relied heavily on unconventional weaponry, requiring military physicians to improvise new medical techniques in order to increase rates of survival. The 21st anniversary of the Iraq War this year reminds us not only of the loss of life suffered during the conflict, but the need to improveContinue reading “Pharmacy Times: The Biomedical Footprint of the Iraq War, Resulting Medical Innovation”

ScienceAlert: A Spoonful of Olive Oil a Day Could Lower Risk of Dementia-Related Death by 28%

By Tessa Koumoundouros. Mounting evidence suggests adding just a spoonful of olive oil to your diet each day can have powerful health benefits. A new study from the US suggests this includes protection against dementia. While healthy ‘Mediterranean’ diets in general tend to include a dash of olive oil, the researchers claim the ingredient itselfContinue reading “ScienceAlert: A Spoonful of Olive Oil a Day Could Lower Risk of Dementia-Related Death by 28%”

ScienceAlert: Not All Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherers Were Big Into Meat, New Study Reveals

By Michelle Starr. Anyone indulging in a paleo-style diet might want to think about adding a few more vegetables. The teeth and bones of pre-agricultural human hunter-gatherers who lived some 15,000 years ago in what is now Morocco reveal that their diet – long thought to have been significantly loaded with animal protein – wasContinue reading “ScienceAlert: Not All Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherers Were Big Into Meat, New Study Reveals”

Live Science: Plato’s burial place finally revealed after AI deciphers ancient scroll carbonized in Mount Vesuvius eruption

By Jennifer Nalewicki. Researchers used AI to decipher an ancient papyrus that includes details about where Greek philosopher is buried. The decipherment of an ancient scroll has revealed where the Greek philosopher Plato is buried, Italian researchers suggest. Graziano Ranocchia, a philosopher at the University of Pisa, and colleagues used artificial intelligence (AI) to decipherContinue reading “Live Science: Plato’s burial place finally revealed after AI deciphers ancient scroll carbonized in Mount Vesuvius eruption”

Science Alert: Study Links Preference For Loud Cars to Some Unsurprising Personality Traits

By Rebecca Dyer. Most of us have experienced the sudden, deafening blare of a car’s modified muffler, shattering your tranquility into a million pieces as it speeds past. If you live in a neighborhood where these disruptive sounds are familiar, it probably won’t surprise you that research links a desire to own this type ofContinue reading “Science Alert: Study Links Preference For Loud Cars to Some Unsurprising Personality Traits”

Greek Reporter: Ancient Humans of Arabia Lived in Lava Tube Caves, Study Finds

By Abdul Moeed. Aerial views show thousands of stone structures scattered across the Arabian peninsula. On the ground, ancient tools and fire pits lay near old lakes, with artwork showing hunting scenes on mountain walls. Archaeologists only recently started exploring these sites, despite their visibility. Some structures date back 10,000 years. The harsh climate –Continue reading “Greek Reporter: Ancient Humans of Arabia Lived in Lava Tube Caves, Study Finds”

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