Pharmacy Times: The Biomedical Footprint of the Iraq War, Resulting Medical Innovation

By Luis Alvarez. In Iraq, asymmetrical warfare tactics relied heavily on unconventional weaponry, requiring military physicians to improvise new medical techniques in order to increase rates of survival. The 21st anniversary of the Iraq War this year reminds us not only of the loss of life suffered during the conflict, but the need to improveContinue reading “Pharmacy Times: The Biomedical Footprint of the Iraq War, Resulting Medical Innovation”

The Drive: Saladin Was A Land-Sea Warfare Innovator Of The Middle Ages

By Benjamin Duval. Historian Benjamin Duval explores how the siege of Beirut shaped Saladin’s military strategy in the 12th-century. Joint land-sea operations were fairly uncommon in the Middle Ages. Rarer still was it for medieval generals to coordinate such actions across hundreds of miles and several months in advance. Almost unheard of was it toContinue reading “The Drive: Saladin Was A Land-Sea Warfare Innovator Of The Middle Ages”

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